My Sanderson binge continues.
I finished the Stormlight Archive earlier this month. I had heard a lot of mixed reviews about Rythym of War, so I was apprehensive, but I ended up loving it. As someone who has dealt with a lot of trauma and had to overcome some very unhealthy coping mechanisms, the themes in the Stormlight Archive really hit home.
I was in a vehicle vs pedestrian accident when I was fifteen and lost my abilty to walk for several months. For a while, the doctors were not sure I would be able to without braces or a cane, but I managed to defy the odds for a while. As I have gotten older, those old injuries have gotten worse. To top that off, autoimmune diseases have joined the mix. So reading books like the Stormlight Archive remind me that I am not alone. Others fight both physical and mental hardships. The way that Sanderson handles the delicate balance of addressing these issues with sincerity and tact while telling a good story resonates with me.
I wasn't quite ready for book four to end, and I can't wait for book five.
Once I finished with Roshar, I started on the second Mistborn Series. I read the first book a long time ago, but couldn't remember the ending. I really enjoyed listening to it. The blending of old west and Victorian England like landscapes and themes is really good and I have always enjoyed the magic system of that world. If you haven't read the first Mistborn Trilogy, I highly reccommend.
My nighttime reads are still a wild contrast to the daytime ones. I have been on a historical fiction run for the things I listen to as I am falling asleep.