About the Author

My stories resolve around found family, epic magic, and overcoming the darkest times in one’s life to step into the light.  

My husband jokes that my life is like a series of bad movies, where all the implausible and frankly terrible things happen to one person. In a way, that is true. I have multiple autoimmune diseases, one that is slowly destroying my spine and two others that majorly impact my body’s systems. I was in a vehicle vs pedestrian accident when I was 15 and I was the pedestrian. That accident destroyed or damaged every joint on the right side of my body. I had to learn to walk again and lost the ability to do most of the physical activities that I loved most.

That was hard. Devastating.

I have survived other horrors that frankly need trigger warnings before they are discussed and seen more of the same happen to others in my life. Through it all my found family―those that have stood by me through the darkest times when all hope was lost―became one of the foundation blocks of my life. Those people who have stood beside me, held me up, and gotten me through the worst moments in my life. Some few are the family I was born to and raised in, a few more are my in-laws, especially my mother and father-in-law. Most are people that I found along the way.

For that reason many of my books focus on those themes: found family and finding a way through tragedy, loss, and hardship.

The other thing that helped me through those dark times was writing. After my accident I fell down the rabbit hole of AOL online RP. My love of writing had been growing before that experience but it flourished there. My first novel was the origin story for my vampire queen and I have been writing since.

It became an escape, a place where I could make a world where everything that was wrong in my life was made right. I shared my stories and tales with my friends at school. Between my experiences sharing my own work and reading stories by authors I admired, I learned that books have power. They can comfort, give companionship, and in rare cases they can help heal a broken spirit.

My first novel was written over ten years. Over edited and chaotic, I was given the fateful advice to rewrite it from memory and I did. From the Ashes was written while my husband was deployed to Japan and I was home with three kids. It was finished in mid to late 2019.

Between January 2020 and December 2022 I wrote four more novels, three novellas and three short stories. I learned a lot of lessons with my debut series and I made some amazing friends through getting to know my readers. My love for writing has only grown since.

I met my husband through World of Warcraft back in Burning Crusade and we were friends for years online before eventually dating and meeting in person. I moved across the country to be with him and we quickly became a family. We have three children, three dogs, and a cat. Our video gaming days are mostly behind us, through we can be found playing board games several nights a week.

My other hobbies include drinking loose leaf tea, reading, Animal Crossing, and cooking and baking. Anyone that follows my social media will know that we have a lot of food allergies in my house, so I often experiment with gluten free and vegan baking.

I am the author of the In Blood and Fire Series. My books include: From the Ashes, A Burning Ember, The Flame Within, The Conflagration, The World Ablaze, and The In Blood and Fire Companion and Short Story Collection.