20th of Zulin, 1003  To Her Majesty Queen Lenathaina Morthan Coden of Lithonia, First Princess of Caeldenon, from Lady Victoria Forrester-Coden, the Ducessa ‘ah Kilmerian

A letter from Tori to Lena


20th of Zulin, 1003

To Her Majesty Queen Lenathaina Morthan Coden of Lithonia, First Princess of Caeldenon, from Lady Victoria Forrester-Coden, the Ducessa ‘ah Kilmerian

My Dearest Lena,

Our march northward has moved as swiftly as possible and the women of your army are doing our part. There was much grumbling when we first set out and muttered comments about women slowing the line of march but most of that has quieted down in the last four days.

When we stopped that first night and the women began setting up their own tents instead of ordering the men to do it for them. Captain Isadora Harmon, and Lieutenants Cynthia Vectors, Natalie Gregory, and Morgan Dandilion not only put up their tents perfectly but before any of the men. That earned them some grudging respect which has only grown over the past couple of days. As we had hoped, working hand in hand with the Mael’Hivar from Caeldenon has helped this transition. Seeing another company of both male and female soldiers, one that is obviously better trained and organized, has had an affect on our own men.

What may have had an even greater impact was High Master Joshua Klice dressing down a group of men who were caught ogling Dandilion’s backside instead of following orders, followed by Dandilion standing nose to nose with Klice, telling him that they were her men to yell at, not his. Then, she dressed the men down herself.

I must admit, I rather wished I’d had a snack and a comfortable chair to watch it all. The whole tableaux was better than a play!

The journey north hasn’t been without conflict, however. You will receive and official report detailing an encounter with a Hathorite scouting party, myself and Salmeara and the aforementioned Gregory and Dandilion. We all survived and the Healers saw to us right after. The worst wound was to my pride. Baerik will never let me live this down.

I made a new friend in the midst of it all and I can’t wait for you to meet her.

Hope all is well with you. Give my love to Gavantar and everyone else.

Your friend and servant,



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