Country bridge next to a lake.

Lady Beth Mystery: Part One

Countryside bridge with lake

The Endomir Court Circular

The Endomir Court Circular, 17th of Zulin, 976

Scandals have legs, or so the saying goes. The larger the scandal, the faster it moves. And, dear reader, this scandal has moved like lightning!

I am sure that by now you all know how this author feels about High Lord Blake Rendon. The man is as sly as a fox and as slippery as a greased toad!

He was forced by societal pressure to allow his nieces, Ladies Angela and Beth Rendon, the daughters of his late brothers, Roger, and Jarrod Rendon, to be presented at court last season. Both girls were kept under strict guard and attended the bare minimum of balls, plays, and other social events.

So, dear reader, if our High Lord was able to keep such a tight hold on his nieces in the city, now has lost the younger of his two wards at his country estate? For word has reached this author that Lady Beth vanished from Grey Stone Keep and no one, not even her uncle, knows where she is.

Has Rendon done away with the girl in a bid to take her inheritance or has she escaped the clutches of a cruel uncle?

Do not fear! This author will get to the bottom of the mystery!

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